
For acquiring the status of Administrative Agent, it is required  (BOE nº 101 del 28 de abril de 2022, 6881):

a) Have Spanish citizenship or citizenship of one of the following States:
- Member States of the European Union.
- Signatory States of the Agreement on the European Economic Area.
- States that grant reciprocity of academic qualifications and professional rights to Spanish citizens.
- In the case of citizenship of other States, applicants must accredit their residence permit in Spain.
b) Be of legal age.
c) Not have been dismissed from the service of any of the Public Administrations through disciplinary proceedings, nor be disqualified from holding public office in any of the Member States of the European Union, the other signatories of the Agreement on the European Economic Area or the countries with which reciprocity agreements exist.
d) Hold one of the following academic qualifications:
- Degree in law, economics, business studies or political science as established by Article 6.e. of Decree 424/1963, of 1 March, approving the Organic Statute of the profession of administrative manager.
- Bachelor's degree in the field of Economics and Business Studies, Law and Political Science that succeeded them in the extinct Catalogue of Official University Degrees in Spain.
- University Master's Degree implemented under Royal Decree 1393/2007, of 29 October, attached to the branch of knowledge of Social and Legal Sciences and linked to the disciplinary field of one of the degrees required by the Organic Statute.
- Official university degree obtained in other states that accredits its equivalence to MECES level 3 and its homologation with respect to any of the previous degrees.